6 Quotes & Sayings By Casey Kasem

Casey Kasem was born on June 15, 1932 in Hollywood, California. He began his career as a disc jockey and later worked for an advertising agency and the station WXLO, before becoming a local radio personality in Seattle. In the late 1950s he joined the Armed Forces Radio Service and soon became a popular disc jockey with American Forces in Germany. In 1964 Kasem moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in television Read more

In 1969 he won a contract with ABC Radio to host a daily one-hour call-in show called American Top 40, which he continued until 1975. In 1976 he began hosting the morning show "American Top 20" for ABC Radio, which was later syndicated across the United States. He also hosted a weekly talk show called The Casey Kasem Show from 1977 to 1984.

The first syndicating I tried was when two partners and I created a production company in 1952. We wanted to syndicate famous Bible stories and sell them for $25 a show. Casey Kasem
Basically, radio hasn't changed over the years. Despite all the technical improvements, it still boils down to a man or a woman and a microphone, playing music, sharing stories, talking about issues - communicating with an audience. Casey Kasem
Songs used to be short, then they became longer, and now they're getting shorter. But otherwise, music is about a beat and a message. If the beat gets to the audience, and the message touches them, you've got a hit. Casey Kasem
It's been amazing, the number of commercials that I've done, starting back in 1968. It must be 8, 000. Casey Kasem
For the most part, that message hasn't changed a lot over the years - love is still love, and heartbreak is still heartbreak. Casey Kasem